Moviestarplanet basic rules

Password Rule

Every Moviestarplanet player’s gaming account is protected with a password known to the player only. It is strictly prohibited to share your account password with others to ensure that you’re gaming and chat privacy is protected and only known to you. Also, Moviestarplanet players are restricted from asking each other gaming passwords too. Ensure that your password cannot be guessed easily and used to hack your account. Especially if you are VIP. There are sites that are giving Moviestarplanet free VIP, starcoins and diamonds. Using those sites is ok, but never giveaway your password.

Avoid Exchanging Details

As it is an interactive gaming site, you will get to know and chat with several other people across the globe. Remember that you know these people only virtually and never have met them. However nice or great game buddies you might be with other players, never share your personal details and information over the chats. It is highly suggested that you avoid exchanging details like your original name, contact details, addresses or any other sensitive information with people. You will find players who will try to offer you with gaming rewards and prizes in exchange of information, in such cases report to the website. Tricking other players will also be accounted as breaking of rules.