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Protect Your Idea With A Patent Submission

Before you decide to market your invention, you must therefore practice abundant caution to protect your idea or invention. One of the best ways to protect something as precious as your invention is to get a patent. Applying for and submitting a patent can be a cumbersome as well as a costly affair. It is a wise and cost-saving decision to consult a patenting agency like Invent Help or a patent attorney who has the requisite skill and expertise to guide you through the process of patent submission.

There are a few steps however, needed to acquire a patent, so that you could turn your brilliant business idea into a successful business proposition in the shortest possible time. Firstly prepare and submit your idea in writing, accompanied by drawing if necessary, to a reputed commercial enterprise for their unbiased opinion regarding its commercial viability.

This viability study may be given to your patent agent to evaluate whether the technical essentials provided is enough and meets the patent merit requirements. You might have to sit for a joint meeting with the company management and your patent attorney to give the finishing touches to the patent application before submission. Through these interactions you will also gain valuable knowledge regarding the drawbacks of your inventions, if any, or even scope for further improvement, before the patent is submitted.

Your patent agent should prepare and distribute the first draft of the patent application to you as the inventor and the company who is showing interest in your invention. This should be reviewed and assessed by all parties concerned and a second draft made, if need be, with due alterations or improvements to the text and drawings.

Now your patent is ready for submission by the patent attorney, who is also responsible for preparing all supporting documents, drawings, testimonials along with the fees for submission to the U.S. Patent Office. After submission, you should get an official serial number and filing date which is enough for patent pending purposes as explained on

The United States Patent and Trademark Office has proposed some changes recently to the process of patent submission. The changes make it compulsory for companies to submit all related patents, publications and all other allied documents pertaining to the invention for which patent is submitted. These changes have been made with a view to reduce the Patent Office Examiner’s work load and also hasten up the patenting process. This is particularly relevant to companies which spend millions on research and development and the future of the companies often depend on how strong the patent is for their new invention.

Do You Need A Patent

You have a great idea which can help you to earn millions of dollars. You have already discussed with a few friends and now are afraid of someone copying it. How will you protect it? Simple, don’t allow anyone to steal it. But there is no safe way that can protect an idea from being stolen or is there! Of course, there is the law called intellectual property rights that enables you to safeguard your idea/ invention. There are patenting agencies, like InventHelp, who specialize in pattenting inventions. Once you get your invention patented, it is secured and your national government guarantees its security.

A patent is a right given to an inventor after he/ she discloses the invention publicly. However, this right lasts for a limited period of time and within this time frame nobody can use the invention commercially without the permission of the inventor. So whether you have an idea for a new line of electronic products or hand and machine tools, the following steps will help you to apply for a patent.

First and foremost, you need to find out that your idea is fresh and unique, i.e. it is not already patented. A thorough patent search will help you to determine that. You can either do this yourself or get professional help. In case you are not opting for professionals, make sure to search for the foreign patents as well. There are a number of online search services that you can refer to for that.

Once you are sure that the idea has not been patented you will need to prepare a basic prototype. This will help you to understand the functionality of your product/ service. Having a prototype also ensures that your idea is close to the final design. However, be very cautious while developing the prototype. Changing any part of this will call for a lot of difficulties after your patent has been filed.

You will also have to define your market. A product/ service that covers only a small market area is hardly commercially viable. In addition, you have to determine a tentative manufacturing cost of your product. You must also consider that preparing the patent will involve certain costs and there would be some legal and business costs as well. Thereby, it is advisable to evaluate your idea before applying for a patent.

Though filing for patent is expensive than applying for a copyright or trademark, it is a better idea to hire a professional company like Invent Help to do it for you. They are of great help during negotiations and can help you to earn higher royalties. For those who want to start their own business will also find patent law helpful. It justifies your investment by eliminating the risk posed by copycats.