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How To Turn Your Idea Into a Patent

If you’ve come up with a new invention idea, congratulations. The next step is to protect your idea by filing a patent.

What Is A Patent?

A patent is a legal document that grants the inventor exclusive rights to make, use, and sell their invention for a certain period of time. You can apply for a patent at any time after your invention is complete, but it’s best to file as soon as possible. By doing so, you will be able to stop others from making and selling your idea without permission.

Here are the steps to turn your new invention idea into a patent:

Conduct A Patent Search

Before you file a patent, you need to make sure that your invention is unique and does not already exist. A patent search can help you determine if your idea is novel and non-obvious. You can perform your own search using the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) website or hire a patent attorney or an agency, such as InventHelp, to do it for you.

Hire A Patent Attorney Or Agency

A patent attorney or agency, like InventHelp, can help you navigate the complex patent process, conduct a patent search, and draft your patent application. They will also help you determine what type of patent you need, such as a design patent or utility patent.

Draft Your Patent Application

InventHelp will help you draft your patent application, which includes a detailed description of your invention, any drawings or illustrations, and claims that define the scope of your invention.

File Your Patent Application

Once your patent application is complete, you can file it with the USPTO. The application process can take several years and may require additional documentation or amendments.

Wait For A Response From The USPTO

After you file your patent application, the USPTO will review it to determine if your invention is patentable. They may issue an office action, which is a notification of any issues or objections with your application.

Receive Your Patent

If your application is approved, you will receive your patent, which grants you exclusive rights to make, use, and sell your invention for a certain period of time (usually 20 years from the date of filing).

In Conclusion

In conclusion, turning your inventions ideas into a patent can be a lengthy and complex process, but it is essential to protect your intellectual property. By conducting a patent search, hiring a patent attorney, drafting your application, filing with the USPTO, and waiting for a response, you can secure your invention and potentially profit from it in the future.

Introducing Apple AirPods – The Future of Wireless Earbuds

The Apple AirPods are the latest in wireless earbuds technology. Featuring Active Noise Cancellation, long battery life, and an ergonomic design, the Apple AirPods are designed to provide a superior listening experience.

Active Noise Cancellation

The Apple AirPods feature advanced Active Noise Cancellation technology, which allows them to block out ambient sound and noise. This technology ensures that you can enjoy your music without being distracted by outside noises.

Long Battery Life

The Apple AirPods feature a long-lasting battery life, allowing you to listen for up to 6 hours on a single charge. This makes them perfect for long commutes or extended listening sessions. The new AirPods Pro feature a case that charges wirelessly, so you can just pop them on a charging pad without having to deal with cables if you’re running low on battery life. The charging case also comes with an extra battery for more than 24 hours of total listening time.

Ergonomic Design

The Apple AirPods feature an ergonomic design that fits snugly in your ears. This allows for a comfortable listening experience, even after extended periods of use.

Seamless Connectivity

The Apple AirPods feature easy and seamless connectivity with any Apple device. Simply pair the AirPods with your device and you’re ready to go.

Apple AirPods PRO

Apple AirPods Pro are the next generation of truly wireless earbuds from Apple. Featuring a new magnetic design that delivers an even more comfortable fit, dual beam-forming microphones for clear calls in any environment, up to nine hours of battery life, and an industry-leading charging case with fast fuel charging.

Apple AirPods Pro are the best wireless earbuds in the world, and they’re also the most expensive. But they’re worth every penny if you can afford them.

The AirPods are the best-selling truly wireless headphones on the market for a reason: They’re simple, easy to use, and sound great.

They have a five-hour battery life, which is on par with other truly wireless models. And when you’re not using them, they’ve got a handy “hanger” that keeps them from getting tangled up in your bag or pocket.


Apple AirPods are the best wireless earbuds you can buy right now. They’re super easy to use and have helpful features like Siri integration, a five-hour battery life, and an industry-leading charging case with fast fuel charging. Apple AirPods pro are the best wireless earbuds in the world, and they’re also the most expensive. But they’re worth every penny if you can afford them.

The Benefits of Patenting Inventions

Patenting inventions gives inventors the legal protection they need to protect their ideas from being stolen or copied by others. Patents also provide an incentive for inventors to continue to innovate and create new products. Furthermore, patents can be used to generate revenue for inventors through licensing and royalties.

The Challenges of Patenting Inventions

Patenting invention ideas can be a long and costly process. It is also difficult for inventors to prove that their inventions are truly unique and novel. Additionally, patenting inventions can be an expensive process, as inventors will need to pay for legal fees, research costs, and other expenses associated with the process.

Invention Help

There are patenting agencies, like InventHelp, that can assist inventors in filing and securing patents for their inventions. The process involves an inventor submitting a patent application to the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). The USPTO reviews the application, which may require several rounds of revisions before being approved. Once the patent is approved, it can be used to protect an invention for up to 20 years. The inventor will also receive a certificate of patent, which acts as proof that the invention has been patented in the U.S.

Celebrity Inventors Who Have Patented Their Inventions

Some of the most successful celebrity inventors who have patented their inventions include Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk, and Steve Jobs. All of these inventors have been able to secure patents for their inventions and have gone on to become successful entrepreneurs and innovators.


Patents provide inventors with the legal protection they need to protect their ideas and generate revenue. However, patenting inventions can be a long and costly process, so it is important for inventors to research their options before filing for a patent.

How To File For A Patent?

First, you have to consider whether or not you are filing for a utility patent or a design patent. If you are filing for a utility patent, it may take several years before your application is reviewed by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) and you receive your patent.

The time required to obtain an issued utility patent is approximately 24 months from filing date (approximately 18 months from first office action). The average time it takes for examiners to issue an office action is about 15 months after filing date (approximately 12 months after first office action) as described in article.

If you choose to file under the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT), which covers most countries around the world, then it will take an additional 2-3 years until you receive your international patent protection with the USPTO.

If you choose not to file under PCT, then it may take about 10 years or more for you to receive your U.S. patent if there are no interferences or other problems with your application such as abandonment due to nonpayment of maintenance fees or other reasons for which applicants are responsible (e.g., failure to respond timely to communications from the USPTO).

If you have already filed a patent application in another country and it has been more than a year since you filed, then you can still file under PCT if the other country grants an extension. If not, then your foreign patent application may be abandoned by the foreign patent office if they do not receive a response from you within 6 months after their expiration date.

Hire Invention Patenting Services

The patent process is complex and can be very expensive. It is much easier to get a patent if you have a patent agency, such as Invent Help, or attorney who specializes in patents to assist you. They will be able to help you determine whether your invention is patentable, draft your application and then file it with the USPTO on your behalf.

Development Of Inventions

An invention is a unique or novel device, method or process. Inventors typically apply for a patent to protect their intellectual property.

An invention is not a discovery of something that already exists in the world. The history of inventions shows that there are many inventions that have been created independently by different people around the globe at about the same time. Fashion is good example if we take a look at the top inventions that changed the fashion world forever.

History of Inventions

The history of invention can be traced back to the Stone Age. The first tool used by man was stone, which was shaped by chipping and grinding. Then came metal tools and weapons, including knives, swords and axes made from metal. Later came fire sticks, which were used to light up fires in caves and on open plains where there were no trees. These fire sticks were later improved upon to form flintlock muskets and rifles that could be used as weapons for hunting animals or humans alike.

Inventions Over Time

The modern era of inventions began with the industrial revolution in Europe during the 18th century when machines were invented that could perform multiple tasks at once instead of one task at a time like before when they were powered manually by human beings or animals such as horses or donkeys etc… This enabled factories to produce more goods faster than ever before and the demand for more goods increased as well. This led to the creation of more machines and eventually they became so advanced that they were able to do tasks that were previously impossible such as flying around in airplanes, traveling underwater in submarines etc…

There are numerous ways in which tech inventors have changed our lives and made them better, but one of the most important ways is by making it easier for people to communicate with each other. Before the invention of cell phones and other forms of modern technology, people had to rely on landline phones or send letters via mail which could take weeks or months before receiving a response.


Technology has made our lives better in numerous ways, and it will continue to do so. It’s clear that the world would be a very different place if it weren’t for inventors who have changed the way we live, work and play.

Patent Your Idea

Patenting an invention is a great way to protect your new product, service or invention. When you patent something, it means that you have exclusive rights to make and sell your invention for 20 years. This can be very important if you want to make money from your invention.

However, the process of patenting an invention is not always easy. In fact, it can be quite difficult to get a patent because there are many rules that must be followed in order to receive one. These rules were put into place by Congress and they help ensure that only deserving inventions are patented and protected from being copied by others.

Fortunately, there are agencies like Invent Help that can help you patent your invention. These agencies have many years of experience in helping inventors get their patents, so they know exactly what needs to be done and how to do it, as you can read from all the reviews for InventHelp found on internet.

Different Types Of Patents

There are two main types of patents: Utility Patents, which protect the function of a product, and Design Patents, which protect its appearance. You can also get a Provisional Patent Application if you want to file for a utility patent in the future but don’t have enough information yet to do so. The process of getting a patent is complex, and it can take many years. You should start the process as soon as possible to ensure that you have enough time to get your patent approved.

You can always hire a patenting agency, such as InventHelp , to help you with the process. They will charge a fee, but it is well worth it if you want to get your idea patented. You can find a lot of reviews online to learn more about the company and their services.

New Invention Ideas

An invention is a unique or novel device, method, composition or process. An invention does not have to be a tangible object. The process for making an invention can be a design, pattern, or even a new way of using a familiar product.

New invention ideas are the best way to start your own business and make money. You should know that there is no such thing as a bad idea. It depends on how you implement it and what purpose it serves. Here are some examples of good invention ideas:

Inexpensive batteries that can power cars, trucks and boats for longer distances than current batteries do

A new way to quickly clean up oil spills by using specially formulated bacteria that eat up oil after an accident has happened (this could save millions of dollars in cleanup costs)

A better way to store data on hard drives so that they can hold more information without being too big or heavy

A new kind of solar panel that is thin and flexible, so it can be placed on the outside of cars or buildings instead of needing to be installed on top of them.

As you can see, there are many different kinds of inventions that could help people. If you want to make a difference in the world, then inventing something useful is one way to do it.

Inventors are the people who create new things. They come up with ideas and then figure out how to make them real. They are the ones who make the world a better place. The next time you see an invention, think about the person who invented it and how their idea can help others.

How Can Inventors Protect Their Inventions?

After inventors have come up with their inventions and tested them to make sure they work, they need to protect them. This means making sure no one else can copy the idea or sell it without paying the inventor some money. There are two ways to do this: patenting and trademarking.

When inventors patent their inventions, they get a special right to make and sell the invention. This means no one else can make or sell it without paying the inventor some money. This is called a patent. Patents last for 20 years from when the application was filed. Patenting process can be long and difficult so hiring a patent agency like InventHelp can help you get through it. InventHelp is a well-known patent agency that helps protect inventions and helps inventors license their ideas for money.

Once an inventor gets a patent, they can sell the invention to a company. The company will pay the inventor some money and then make and sell the invention to customers.

Inventions and Their Applications

The great thing about inventing is that you can do it anytime, anywhere. No matter where the idea for a new product comes from, you can use it to get started on your own invention. Inventing an idea is the first step in creating a new product or service that will make you money.

Here are some ways to begin:

If you have an idea for an invention, write it down as soon as possible after it comes to mind. If you wait too long, you may forget it!

It’s best to write down your idea in its simplest form. You can always add details later on.

Get feedback from friends and family members about your idea — but only after you’ve written it down and made it clear to them what the idea is all about. Don’t ask them if they like the idea until they understand what it is! Ask them if they think there’s a market for this kind of product or service. Tell them how much money they would pay for such a product or service (hint: if they say “nothing,” then maybe this isn’t such an easy sell).

If they think it’s a good idea, ask them how they would improve it or make it better. You can also ask them if they know anyone else who might be interested in your idea; this is where networking comes into play.

Do A Research On Your Idea

If you have a idea for an invention, it’s important to do some research on the product or service that you’re planning to create. Find out who else is in your market and see what they’re doing with their products or services; this way, you can get a feel for whether there’s room for another player in the field or not. If there are already several similar products out there, then maybe it isn’t such an easy sell after all!

How To Choose The Right Mobile Signal Booster?

Mobile signal boosters are a great way to improve your mobile reception in the home or office. As we all know, the UK is known for being a nation with terrible mobile coverage. This can be frustrating when trying to make a call whilst at home, or even worse when trying to stream content on your mobile device.

The UK has some of the worst mobile coverage in Europe, and this does not stop at just one area. It is a problem which affects most of the country, especially in urban areas where there are lots of tall buildings which can block signals from reaching your phone.

Mobile signal boosters can help you solve this problem by boosting your signals so that they are stronger, allowing you to make calls and use data more easily.

If you live in an area where there is poor signal strength then it would be worth looking into purchasing one of these devices so that you do not have any problems with poor coverage anymore.

If you are looking for a mobile signal booster then there are many options available to choose from. You can either purchase one online or in-store, depending on your preferences and which one is more convenient for you. If you do not know what to look out for when purchasing one then here are some things that you should consider before making a final decision:

The price of the device – Mobile signal boosters are not particularly expensive, but they are not exactly cheap either. You should make sure that you have enough money to purchase one before you do so and that it is within your budget.

The range – If you live in a large house then this may not be much of an issue for you, but if there are several floors or rooms then it would be worth looking into getting one that has a larger range than most other devices on the market.

The quality of the device – You should always make sure that you are purchasing a legal mobile signal booster, as there are a lot of cheap mobile signal boosters on the market which are usually sold illegally. High-quality mobile signal booster will ensure that your phone does not suffer from any dropouts or interference when connected to the device.

Advantages and Disadvantages Provisional Patent Application

You have up to 12 months after filing a provisional application to proceed with a non-provisional application. If you do not file within that time period, your provisional application will be deemed to have been abandoned and you may lose certain benefits. The non-provisional application is entitled to the benefit of the original filing date of the provisional application. But to be sure, it is advisable to consult with a patent agency, such as InventHelp patent services, just in case.

Note: the provisional filing is not available for design patents.

Advantages of a Provisional Patent Application

Inexpensive to file – typically $80.

Easy to meet the filing requirements. The disclosure and documents can be very informal and generally do not require an attorney to prepare.

Provides immediate patent pending status.

Provides nearly equivalent patent protection for the first year as the more expensive utility patent application (having a comparable disclosure).

Minimum investment. In the event the invention is determined to have insufficient commercial value, the inventor is typically out only a few hundred dollars instead of thousands of dollars.

Disadvantages of a Provisional Patent Application

Expires after a year.

No extensions. Don’t ask for an extension because there is no one to ask. There is no one on the planet authorized to give you an extension. The one year limit was set in stone by Congress.

Provisional patent application generally do NOT have the full review and analysis in preparation as a utility patent application, particularly when prepared by the inventor.

When followed by a utility patent application, the total cost is more than if a utility patent application was filed instead of the provisional patent application.

Contact a registered InventHelp patent attorney today to be sure that your invention or idea is protected.